MVM Partner Ltd.

As a competitive market subsidiary owned 100% by MVM Ltd., the only electricity wholesaler of the MVM Group and the sole electricity supplier of MVM Next Energy Trading Ltd., MVM Partner Ltd. is a key player in the Hungarian energy market due to its dynamic development.

The company was established on 5 September 2002 and has been holding the official licences required for its lawful operation since the beginning of the liberalisation of the Hungarian electricity market, 1 January 2003. The company is active in trading across Europe and is present on a number of European energy exchanges and OTC markets through the Central Trading Floor located at its headquarters in Budapest, thus ensuring the ability to respond quickly to price changes at international level. Taking also into account the three wholesale subsidiaries, MVM Partner Ltd. trades in the electricity markets of 20 European countries, operates independent balance groups in 14 countries and is present on 11 power exchanges now. Its trading activities serve as a link between generation, retail and wholesale markets.

The company’s competencies include:

managing risk exposure arising from power plant and retail portfolios;

meeting the emerging needs of wholesale partners in both energy exchanges and over-the-counter (OTC) markets;

optimising assets belonging to the MVM Group and contracted assets in the commodity market;

carrying out own-account trading activities in European electricity markets and in terms of emissions allowances and carbon trading;

using advanced risk management tools, which provide the main framework for its trade in commodity products.

As the largest electricity wholesaler in the Hungarian market, which has the largest domestic contracted generator portfolio, MVM Partner Ltd. contributes to the security of supply of the Hungarian electricity system in a number of ways. The company supplies electricity to the majority of residential consumers entitled to universal service through universal service providers. By providing ancillary services, the company contributes greatly to the stable operation of the Hungarian electricity system and to the uninterrupted supply of electricity. Furthermore, it has the largest balance group in the domestic electricity market, which includes large power plants, small power plants, renewable generators, consumers and traders alike. 

Utilizing the accomplishments and experience achieved in the market of ancillary services, MVM Partner Ltd. established its own Small Power Plant Control Centre, which started its commercial operation on 1 January 2015 after obtaining the necessary accreditation from MAVIR, the Hungarian transmission system operator. The balancing centre allows units below 50 MW capacity to participate effectively in the balancing market. The number of power plant units currently connected to the control centre (mostly with gas engines) is more than 30 and the total installed capacity of the generation units is 136 MW. The control centre constantly strives to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the rapidly changing market in the field of demand side management and energy storage.

MVM Partner Ltd. regularly holds electricity auctions, through which it also complies with the regulations applicable to significant market power (SMP) identified by the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority. The auctions are conducted through the auction platform of the company’s subsidiary, Powerforum Ltd.


Address: 1031 Budapest, Szentendrei út 207-209., Hungary

Tel.: +36 (1) 304 2427

Fax: +36 (1) 202 0134



MVM CEEnergy Ltd.

As of 1 July 2021, the company operating under the company name MVM CEEnergy Private Limited Company (‘MVM CEEnergy Ltd.’ or the ‘Company’), formerly Hungarian Gas Trade Private Limited Company, is Hungary’s largest natural gas trader. It has been a member of Hungary’s largest energy group, the MVM Group, since 1 October 2013.

The Company is the most important partner of the Hungarian universal gas distribution company in the reliable provision of natural gas supply to retail consumers. In addition, as a member of the MVM Group, it also plays a significant role in the domestic market of natural gas supply. As part of this, it engages in natural gas trading activities in the end consumer market as a partner of power plants, district heating suppliers and industrial customers.

In addition to meeting domestic gas demand, the Company strives to play an active role and to strengthen its position in the regional natural gas markets as well, taking also into account the strategic goals of the MVM Group. As part of its regional market entry strategy, the Company established its Austrian subsidiary at the end of 2014, then also its Slovak subsidiary at the end of 2015, followed by the establishment of a Croatian and a Czech subsidiary in 2020.

The Company is committed to long-term secure natural gas supply to Hungary and meets the demand of the country from various sources under its long-term gas purchase agreements. Through its Croatian subsidiary, MVM CEEnergy Ltd. has been playing a prominent role in the commissioning of the Krk LNG terminal and the procurement of LNG since 1 January 2021. Through the contracting of regasification capacity at the Krk LNG terminal and the concluded source agreements, the Company is now connected ‒ through real source and route diversification ‒ to the globalising LNG market and has direct access to natural gas sources and new market entrants not yet available in the Hungarian market and the whole region, contributing even more to domestic and regional security of supply efforts.

MVM CEEnergy Ltd. is engaged in natural gas trading as its core activity and provides related services and supplementary services to its customers. As part of its core activity, the Company procures natural gas under long- and short-term resource supply contracts, during which the natural gas supply partner delivers natural gas at specific delivery points. Furthermore, as part of its natural gas procurement and sales activities, the Company enters into spot and forward natural gas sale and purchase transactions on Hungarian and foreign regulated markets and exchanges as well as on other platforms.

In order to sell the procured resources, the Company enters into natural gas sale and purchase agreements with its Customers, under which the Buyers off take natural gas at a specific delivery point(s) and/or have it transported or stored by the Company. In terms of natural gas sale and purchase agreements, the customer base targeted by the Company essentially includes:
(a) customers that off take gas directly from the transmission pipeline, which have an expected annual gas consumption of 5 million m3/gas year or more;
(b) gas industry operators with full or limited natural gas trading licences or universal service provider licences authorising them to engage in such activities in Hungary or operators entitled by legislation to engage in gas trading activities even without a trading licence;
(c) non-retail customers connected to the distribution network, the expected consumption of which is at least 5 million m3/gas year;

In addition to its core activities, MVM CEEnergy Ltd. also provides supplementary services related to natural gas supply to its customers, such as:
(a) flexibility services and portfolio management;
(b) meeting daily and intraday customer capacity needs;
(c) indirect participation in trade in regulated natural gas markets and natural gas exchanges on other platforms through orders.

The main goal of the Company is to continuously increase the satisfaction of its customers, partners, Shareholder and staff, while constantly improving its energy management performance. In order to achieve this goal, the Company:
(a) continuously develops its services in accordance with the expectations of its customers and Shareholder, the requirements of European Union and domestic legislation, our internal regulations and the challenges of the market, while constantly monitoring its business environment and the market and considering the risks and opportunities so identified;
(b) during the development of its operational processes, ensures transparency, coherence and the possibility of development, in the case of the latter, using the comments and proposals of its customers, partners, Shareholder and staff;
(c) strives for effectiveness during its operations, thus it monitors changes in the market and the business environment in order to increase the satisfaction of its customers and Shareholder, based on which it optimises its commercial processes.

It is of central importance for MVM CEEnergy Ltd. to protect the safety of its staff and the people affected by its business activities during its operations and considers it important that its activities are in line with the environmental and economic interests of the country.

In order to achieve its goals, the Company has committed itself to operating an integrated management system conforming to Hungarian standards MSZ EN ISO 9001:2015 and MSZ EN ISO 50001:2019, which the Company continuously develops and has it assured by an independent party. Since dedicated employees with appropriate authority and responsibilities greatly contribute to the achievement of the Company’s goals, MVM CEEnergy Ltd. places great emphasis on the continuous development of their competence and skills as well as on strengthening their energy awareness.

Address: 1138 Budapest, Váci út 144-150., Hungary
Telephone: +36 (20) 597 0000
Fax: +36 (1) 354 7043

At present, the MVM Group is the market leading company responsible for secure energy supply to more than 6 million customers. We provide 100% of the retail natural gas supply in the country and hold a national universal service licence for electricity.

Our customers can personally visit 47 permanent offices and 196 branch offices nationwide with their inquiries, which handle the cases of more than 1 million customers annually. In addition, our customer service representatives handle nearly 2.9 million cases through telephone customer service and 1.2 million cases on average through our written channels. This translates to more than 5.1 million customer inquiries each year.

We are proud that our companies have not only a significant customer base, but also outstanding customer satisfaction; according to an official customer satisfaction survey, we received the highest ratings among domestic service providers this year as well.

In order to protect our environment and to ensure the convenience of our customers, we place great emphasis on digital solutions in addition to traditional customer service channels; nearly 1.5 million customers have chosen our mobile app and online interfaces, and the number of customers receiving electronic invoices exceeds 1.4 million today.

Presentation of retail activities on the website – VP

MVM Next provides energy for the development and day-to-day operation of businesses and companies, be it electricity or gas, covering the entire range of domestic business users from limited partnerships to the largest factories, power plants, institutional partners, industrial producers or municipalities.

As a market leading retail energy service provider, we serve more than 55,000 businesses with natural gas and electricity and manage an energy portfolio of approximately 24 TWh annually. It is highly important for us that our customers can have access to our wide-ranging, comprehensive services through a single channel, so the time taken to handle cases related to electricity and natural gas supply can be significantly reduced. Executive managers who decide to use our business services save significant time and energy for themselves and their businesses.

Our commercial philosophy in the competitive market is based on the effort to build long-term relationships, for which we offer the most advantageous service scheme available to them. In order to gain and maintain the trust of businesses, based on our comprehensive energy supply model, we offer expert assistance from the beginning, which we provide at no extra cost when our services are used.

Reputable and successful large domestic and international companies in the full spectrum of industrial sectors, from automotive and tyre manufacturing to the largest pharmaceutical companies to the service industry as well as small and medium-sized enterprises with similarly diverse activities have chosen MVM Next as their partner.

In the municipal and institutional sector, we provide a full range of one-stop services, from the establishment of customer relations to the management of public procurement procedures to the management of contracts. We can provide expert assistance in both public procurement and energy matters, for which we provide a reliable, stable background in connection with public procurement administration and general sales support tasks or technical administration.

The most important value for our customers in the competitive market is reliable energy supply at sustainable cost levels, complemented by guarantee for security of supply and customer focus.

The greatest value for us is our customers, therefore, we reward strategic partnership and trust in the service provider with specific discounts, which are renewed every year.

MVM Home Plus Ltd.

MVM Home Plus Ltd. is a subsidiary owned 100% by MVM Ltd.

The main task of MVM Home Plus Ltd., established in 2017 through a change of profile, is to provide innovative solutions affecting and enhancings the quality of life of its residential customers, in addition to the comprehensive energy services provided by the MVM Group.

It is an important element of the medium- and long-term strategy of MVM Home Plus Ltd. to provide an as wide product portfolio as possible. As a future- and customer-oriented company, it aims to implement high-quality services and operations both at company and group level in addition to continuous innovation.
MVM Home Plus Ltd. is committed to continuous professional development, which allows it, firstly, to meet changing customer needs and, secondly, based on the continuous monitoring of market trends, to respond quickly by providing marketable services.

Services offered by MVM Home Plus Ltd.:
MVM Home Plus Ltd. has been intermediating insurance services since 2017 to the residential power and gas customers of the MVM Group. Due to well-thought-out product development based on customer needs, several hundred thousand customers are covered by some form of insurance intermediated by MVM Home Plus Ltd. With care and safety in mind, the products provide fast and efficient support throughout the country for financial and other kind of difficulties arising in the event of incidents, accidents, health problems and household or car emergencies.

In 2020, MVM Home Plus Ltd. launched a unique product based on conscious self-care in the market to help residentiel customers prepare for unexpected, major expenses and to offer solutions to life situations that can make everyday life more difficult. Partner companies that have joined the MVM Bonus Programme provide a purchase discount in various service areas, such as home renovation, buying a new car, wedding, expecting a baby, recreation or private health care.

At the end of 2021, MVM Home Plus Ltd. launched the MVM GO e-car long-term rental service, which provides an opportunity for retail and business customers to rent electric cars with full operation and a home charging solution.

The Company will launch a new online retail customer motivation programme based on and rewarding customer activity in 2022. Under the Agora Programme, the residentiall customers of the MVM Group can receive the products and services of commercial and service  of the programme with a significant discount in a number of areas of use.

The services of MVM Home Plus Ltd. also show well the diverse tasks of the MVM Group and its efforts for achieving diversity. Through its activities, it actively contributes to the leading role that MVM wishes to have in innovation in the future.

Address: 1023 Budapest, Árpád fejedelem útja 26-28., Hungary