MVM Group's power generation member companies provide are a pre-dominant, solid pillar supporting the fulfilment of owners’ expectations and strategic targets (sustaining nuclear capacity, dynamic increase in renewable capacity, flexible, clean dispatchable schedule portfolio, regional growth) and contribute significantly to the Group's performance by ensuring stable and reliable electricity generation. MVM Group's nuclear, fossil and renewable power plants (with those larger than 10 MW highlighted) are summarised in the figure below (as at end-2022).
In 2022, MVM Group's generating units produced a total of nearly 20.0 TWh of electricity, accounting for 59.5% of the national power plant production (33.61 TWh, source: MAVIR Zrt.). In 2022, the country's gross electricity demand was 45.76 TWh, i.e. MVM Group's production accounted for 44% of the total demand (source: MAVIR Zrt.). MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant Zrt. generated ~79% of MVM Group's total production, 15.81 TWh. The lignite-fired units of Mátra Power Plant Zrt. produced ~14.5% of the total, i.e. about 2.9 TWh. Paks NPP's generation satisfied 34.55% of the gross domestic demand in 2022 (source: MAVIR Zrt.). MVM Group's renewable electricity generation at year-end was ~941 GWh, representing ~4.7% of the total generated volume at Group level. As a result of our developments and the successfully implemented strategic actions, MVM Group's electricity generation is now ~83% carbon neutral.
To ensure the continuous, trouble-free operation and balance of the Hungarian electricity system, 11 high-efficiency gas turbines with flexible operation were operating at the expected availability in 2022. Consumers require uninterrupted supply of energy, so predictability can greatly contribute to the security of supply. The importance of baseload power plants providing stability is therefore enhanced, and gas turbine capacity capable of controlling the system is also a priority. In 2022, we started planning and preparing for the construction of new combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power plants. Our high-efficiency combined cycle gas turbine plants will be built using state-of-the-art technology. It is planned to build two CCGT generation units with capacities of around 500 MW each at the site of the former Tisza Power Plant and one CCGT generation capacity in the 500-650 MW range at Mátra Power Plant. These units will also be capable of combusting hydrogen blended with natural gas fuel.
An important goal is to provide energy from renewable sources in line with the National Energy Strategy and carbon reduction commitments. We have therefore continued to add significant elements to our photovoltaic capacity in 2022. MVM Green Generation Ltd. currently operates eight wind farms, more than 160 solar power plants and the two largest hydroelectric power plants in the country. The installed capacity of the power plants exceeds 300 MW. Last year alone, we announced the construction of a total of 28 new solar power plants in ten municipalities, which are being built with EU funding in addition to our own resources. In addition, MVM Green Generation has built a 28.8 MWp solar power plant in Debrecen and is also constructing large-scale solar power plants in Szeged and Kecskemét.
In 2022, the district heating plants of MVM Group continued to perform their tasks in full, and the cogeneration units, in addition to meeting the heat demand of local district heating suppliers, also fulfilled their tasks arising from system-level control at high professional standard.